He called it a "HOAX".

And still he formed the White House Coronavirus Task Force 29th January 2020 while the impeachment was being debated. He started closing some flight routes and the response were people calling him racist and people should go and enjoy the festivities in Little China.

He deployed some military medical ships in case they would be needed during March 2020.

Did he prevent any State enacting lockdowns or mask mandate? Not that I know. Did he decide to send COVID patients to nursing homes? Nope, that's Cuomo in NY.

But maybe he got some haircut from a closed salon like Pelosi? Or toured Federal Buildings unmasked the day he signed a mandate for masks like Biden? Or had some diner with friends inside a restaurant like Newsom in California? Or some birthday party with hundreds of unmasked people like Obama? I don't know and I guess it would be hard to criticize. The guy got COVID so he has better antibodies than what the vaccines got me.

[Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com][Linked Image from w3.the-kgb.com]