Originally Posted By: Owain
Originally Posted By: Derid
Originally Posted By: Owain
If someone actively opposed Hillary first and foremost, why would voting for Trump be a bad idea if they felt that was their best option to ensure that she was not elected?

See preceding posts regarding demanding better. Its about looking to the future, knowing that the present is fated to be fetid, regardless of whether it is a blue or red strain of garbage.

All of which are your personal opinions, which do nothing to invalidate the decisions of everyone who voted for Trump for whatever reason. In fact, it is likely that a large contributing factor in Trump's election was the arrogance of of both liberals and #NeverTrump folks who felt they knew better than anyone else, and like Hillary, felt that anyone who disagreed with them were deplorable, and irredeemable.

This is a state of mind that both Democrats and Republicans (thinking mostly of #NeverTrump folks here) need to eliminate, because if there ever was a failed strategy that absolutely needs to be eliminated, this is the one.

The very fact that Trump won is evidence of the failure inherent with this approach.

I don't think #NeverTrump had much influence, though I have discussed the effects of liberal arrogance and PC culture earlier in this very thread, and was the first to do so. (If I recall correctly, and even partially transcribed the discussion between Bill Maher and Trey Crowder, which I thought encapsulated the concept)

The fact that Johnson's votes covered the swing state spread sufficiently, despite the prevalence of your type of party thinking in the electorate, is in fact sufficient evidence that voting for neither Hillary nor Trump is worth something, and was not a failed strategy. There is now a quantifiable voting bloc that has the power to swing elections, that isn't failure. Conversely, it is something to build upon as the party establishments continue to fail.

Last edited by Derid; 12/16/16 03:44 PM.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)