Originally Posted by Wolfgang
Originally Posted by Goriom
Originally Posted by Wolfgang
Originally Posted by Goriom


Though Hitler used them in the Concentration camps he did not use them on the Battlefield in WWII I"m pretty sure that's what he was meaning. He even says that... but yeah the left is butthurt still and will to try to find anything to hang their hat on.

"But I'm saying that in the way that Assad used them where he went in towns, dropped them down to innocent - into the middle of towns - it was brought - so the use of it - I appreciate the clarification," Spicer said, before concluding, "That was not the intent."

Because Hitler never used Gas on his own people?

Maybe you should refresh your history of the holocaust. German jews were killed... meaning they were from ding ding ding... GERMANY! They did deport a lot of them and a bunch left, but the German Jews that remained were sent to two concentration camps one of which was Auschwitz.

Yeah, exactly, I guess i have to add /s to the end of my sentences now? Spicer fucked up, dudes dumb. His clarification when a journalist followed up with him was even worse. I'm getting sick of having to infer what this administration says. Don't take me for my words, its what was meant behind what i said that's important! hur dur.

Last edited by Goriom; 04/11/17 03:57 PM.