
The voters, ballot workers, ballot watchers, elections workers and supervisors, elections security chief, Bill Barr, the media, and the courts from lower the appellate courts all the way to the supreme court cannot be trusted? Republican state officials and Trump appointed judges cannot be trusted.
But Trump is to be trusted?
In 1,372 days, President Trump has made 26,548 false or misleading claims
Just in the first 27 days of August, the president made 1,506 false or misleading claims, or 56 a day. Some days were extraordinary: 189 claims (a record) on Aug. 11, 147 claims on Aug. 17, 113 claims on Aug. 20. The previous one-day record was 138 claims — on Nov. 5, 2018, the day before the midterm elections

My final word on Trump and alleged voter fraud.

Their premise is the voters, ballot workers, ballot watchers, elections workers and supervisors, elections security chief, Bill Barr, the media, and the courts from lower the appellate courts all the way to the supreme court cannot be trusted? Republican state officials and Trump appointed judges cannot be trusted?
But Trump is to be trusted?
In 1,372 days, President Trump has made 26,548 DOCUMENTED false or misleading claims
Just in the first 27 days of August, the president made 1,506 false or misleading claims, or 56 a day. Some days were extraordinary: 189 claims (a record) on Aug. 11, 147 claims on Aug. 17, 113 claims on Aug. 20. The previous one-day record was 138 claims — on Nov. 5, 2018, the day before the midterm elections

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