Originally Posted by JetStar
Originally Posted by Sini
Originally Posted by JetStar
I will say it again, comparing anything Biden has done to Trump and Trumpism is laughable.

It isn't. You can't distil Trump's administration to a single event and dismiss all further comparisons as invalid.

Let's talk about what is not debatable.

Sure. We are 10 month into Biden's presidency and the following happened:

1. 5%+ inflation
2. Supply chain collapse - fuel shortages, car shortages, electronics shortages and is getting worse every day.
3. Desiastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan
4. Refugee crisis at the southern border

These are just undeniable failures as I am not even brining up soft scandals like Hunter Biden or grouping.

Originally Posted by JetStar
FACT: The Trump administration’s response to the Covid 19 crisis was and is a disaster filled with blatant lies and terrible decisions. It’s all documented here:

Trump made it a political issue, but I think regardless of what he actually suggested it would have ended as one. If Trump was pro-masking, Texas now would be passing mask mandate while California banning them. More so, Trump isn't the only one who lied (and keep lying) about COVID to this day. Also, Trump's Administration did one major thing right - Operation Warp Speed ensured we all got vaccines. So no, this issue is not so black and white as you want to portray it.

Here is example of Kamala Harris peddling anti-vax views during national debates:

Here is Donald Trump saying to take vaccine on Fox News:

Originally Posted by JetStar
There are so many more reasons that I am not mentioning
Grab um by the pussy
Paying off women to hide affairs
The Ukraine phone call and impeachment
Asking to have the Special Council fired
Inability to stand up against Putin
Believing Putin regarding interference in the 2016 election over 8 US intelligence agencies
1. Central Intelligence Agency
2. Office of the Director of National Intelligence
3. F.B.I.
4. National Security Agency
5. Justice Department
6. Department of Homeland Security
7. House Intelligence Committee
8. Senate Intelligence Committee
Splitting up immigrant families
And so many more I cant count. Any questions?

Pick one issue to discuss first, we obviously neglected this forum and have lots to talk about. Still, none of these issues would justify why comparing Trump to Biden is invalid. I get it, you don't like when I point out, for example, that Trump did a much better job on immigration. Or Middle East. Or the economy. Or that he managed to pass tax cuts that were his ligislative priority.

I am afraid you will have a very hard time in the next few years as these comparisons going to become more frequent. Biden's Administration is struggling, making rookie mistakes. I am convinced that an expirienced politicial like Biden would have avoided most of these. The only explanation is that he is really not in charge, for whatever reasons we can speculate on that too.

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