I will point out the mistake here:

"I broke into your house to get to the phone"

My apologies for shooting your hypothetical avatar in need, but the safety
of MY family trumps all others. Especially within my own home.

A tragic outcome for sure, but it will not change my approach.

As for your links where home defense ended tragically, if I put some effort into it,
I'm sure I can scrape up far more examples where the homeowner and / or family
members owe their life to my line of thinking.

Hell, here is just one page:

Home Defense with Firearms

Found this quote for you:

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined
nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and
better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides,
for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed one."

— Cesare Beccaria,
Essay on Crimes and Punishments, 1764

Last edited by Daye; 02/08/13 09:12 AM.