Originally Posted By: sini

I wouldn't kill over 30$ (or $300 or $3000). I would kill over defending
myself from the armed muggers.

Self-defense is one of the few valid applications of a firearm. It is also
less frequent that use for crime.

Chuckle. So as long as they're not (obviously) armed, they can beat the
hell out of you without fear of putting their own life at risk ? How does
your theory work when you face off with several of them ? Or when one
realizes you can identify them later on ?

You're completely ok with simply handing over everything you worked for to
anyone who might use force to take it from you ?

Why yes, here are my keys, wallet and phone. Within you'll find my home
address, keys to the house and car and all sorts of private info on me in
the phone. Even photos of my family in case you wish to pay them a visit
too. I look forward to seeing you or your friends at my home sometime
in the near future. Of course that's my debit card in my wallet. Let's
drive to the nearest ATM so I can withdraw the max limit for you this

If so, that attitude is what enables today's criminals. I call it the
" Take anything you want just don't hurt me " defense. :|

Sinij: I come from a family who is mostly law enforcement. I have been
(un)fortunate enough to see just how evil folks can be towards one another
for most of my life. As a result, I don't see the world through the same
rose colored glasses that you do. You're delusional if you think removing
scary looking firearms from the equation will solve or even help the problem
of human violence.

We've been killing each other for millennia, most of which without firearms.
As a species, we've become pretty damned good at it I think.

Last edited by Daye; 02/07/13 02:58 PM.