Cars arent quite as available in China. They are also typically smaller. Here in the US, you can wander around a few minutes and find at least one 2-ton SUV with 300HP that is relatively unsecured.

Plus China is a poor example, we have no idea what level of crazy exists there - they keep things hush-hush. Except of course, for the govt-conducted crazy. China is actually the second strongest argument on the planet *for the second amendment, after North Korea.

When it comes to background checks and such, it depends on how its conducted, and who manages it. Plus that and "safe storage" open up all sorts of legal issues that could be used to persecute lawful people.

The country did fine for two centuries without any of this crap, and the guns available had not substantially changed in lethality or capacity for at least one century. (Auto weapons were effectively banned- with some caveats - back in the teens).

If you want to look for what went wrong, look elsewhere than availability of weapons. The whole topic is a red herring.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)