"Insurance is protection from liability. It is a form of
responsibility for damages your actions cause.

Do you not believe in assuming personal financial responsibility
for your actions? Do you expect to continue offloading it on society?"


Insurance is a business. A profitable one at that. Insurance
companies are not there to help you assume personal financial
responsibility as you put it, they are there to make a profit by
charging you more than the risk they think you are.

To date I have never filed a single insurance claim for my vehicles
nor my home. I have, however, paid thousands and thousands of dollars
in premiums over the same time period.

So tell me again how I've offloaded anything onto society again ?

Hell, under your line of thinking, we should have insurance premiums
for absolutely anything we may own that might accidentally injure
someone else.

Lawnmowing insurance.
Pet insurance.
Cutlery insurance.
Don't-trip-on-my-sidewalk insurance.
Child insurance. ( In case they do anything stupid to injure another )

LoL. The list can go on and on.

Gun insurance ? Really ?

Like we don't pay enough: Fees, taxes, licenses, premiums and penalties
already :|

"A lot of people die from diabetes, more then from cancer, so we should
ignore cancer until diabetes are cured, right?"

No, you shouldn't model diabetes treatment after cancer treatment
since they're not even remotely the same disease. Kinda like cars
and guns. They're both unique killers which require unique approaches
to each. You don't try to use chemo to cure diabetics any more than you
give insulin to cancer patients.