There are a few things wrong with using this as a justification for the religion of 2nd Amendment suppression.

First and most glaringly obvious: "PIRE includes both homicides and suicides in its fatality estimates, a total of more than 30,000. In 2010, PIRE figures show there were 11,078 deaths caused by guns and 19,382 suicides. Suicides carried greater financial consequences."

So for this line of thinking to play out, you have to make an assumption that the vast majority of suicides via firearm only killed themselves because they could do it with a gun. Which is obviously a nonstarter. So first thing that needs doing is reducing the claimed figure by approx 2/3

Secondly, according to the FBI data in 2010 there were 12996 homicides - 8775 of which were caused by firearms.

So right there the PIRE report credibility went out the window.

Also, if you look - ~75% victims were male and 50% were black. Combined with other available mapping/demographic data, it is quickly clear that the murder rate is far higher in "gun-free" zones in urban areas that are plagued with organized crime that suffer the bulk of homicides. Perhaps instead of looking at weapons, perhaps we should look at crime?

Furthermore, the study nor any legit study concludes that guns are the source of crime. Therefore punishing law abiding owners in manners that would not preclude criminal activity is immoral. Collective punishment is simply wrong. Right minded people refuse to be held accountable for the actions of others. Leftists may love collective punishment, and forcibly arranging society to cater to the lowest common denominator but people with a grasp on ethics reject that.

Furthermore, no comparison is made between crimes using guns and other crimes.

There are also several other issues I could take with this "report" , and I highly suspect several wways I could further eviscerate its credibility if I spent the time to dig a little deeper.

The bottom line, is I find it sad that elements at Forbes are conforming to the propaganda campaign currently being aimed at the 2dn Amendment. The same propaganda machine I will note, that let us into needless wars and has led us into subsidizing the corrupt crony financial sector.

The Statist shills will have to try a lot harder to find a legitimate reason to suppress the natural rights of US Citizens.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)