Originally Posted By: sinij
Originally Posted By: Wolfgang

From what I'm seeing your logic says this... "We don't need guns, we already have our freedom and liberty, so nobody can take those away!"

Well, from what I'm seeing you are not reading my posts very carefully. I am saying that we need to license all firearms, to the point where licensing/tracking matches car ownership.

Drive by shooting is much bigger deal than hit and run, yet tracking car is much easier than a gun. Why is that?

For starters having a car is a privilege it's not a right like say having GUNS are. You will NEVER put a device on guns that will allow you to track every single one of them unless you FORCE people to do it, even then I promise you there will be guns out there that wouldn't have a tracking device on them. It's just the way it is.

Instead, let's do something wild and crazy. Let's use the laws we have on weapons to control them from getting into the hands of the bad guys as much as we can. We have something like fifteen thousand gun laws, gun laws only are good for the people that follow them. It's just like having a Restraining Order, they work great if the person you have it on is usually a law abiding citizen. But if you have a Restraining Order on someone that doesn't give a shit about the law or is temporarily out of their mind that paper means jack shit if they kick in your door with a gun!

People die in countries that don't have gun rights, or limited rights. Take Norway, one person killed 87 people... ONE. You know what would have stopped at least 85 others from dying? If someone had a weapon themselves. Sure some still may have died, but it would not have been 87 people. Imagine if some douche canoe rolled up to a boy scouts camp ground blasting people. I bet you that at least one person there would have a gun either on them or some place close. I'm not sure about you, but if someone rolls up with a gun firing, I don't want to just have my cock in my hand.