Originally Posted By: RedKGB
Originally Posted By: sinij
Originally Posted By: Wolfgang
Just thought I would share a picture as well...

Is that the unemployment question sheet the guy in Az filled out before going to go shot the congress women?

just kidding.

In all honestly, both parties are bending us over, both parties are full of crap, both parties are sold out to corpations and speacil intrest groups.

We, the silent americans, that moves back and forth over the center has done it to ourselves, we have let the chooses the lesser of two evils, the lesser of the crap from the left or the right, the lesser best among us to take the mantel of leadership. The die has been cast, the wheels have all ready been set in motion, we are now but riders on the train, where it goes and where it stops, no one knows.

This is where we need to stop the same old political game. Many voted for Obama because he is young, speaks well using a teleprompter along with his campaign of change. He wasn't well known because he hasn't been in the political game very long. Since he had not been in the political game very long that had Intrigued me, but his whole background and how he got into the political arena didn't make me warm and fuzzy inside.

I'm a Ron Paul fan, I think his domestic plans are spot on. Many aren't given him a thought because many has said he's a crazy old man, well maybe so but for a crazy bastard he sure has a great domestic plan. To bad the Republican party wasn't pushing for him. I really think he would wipe the floor with Obama if he had the GOP's full support!