I consider Nixon the worst President in modern history, wwho set the stage for most of our current problems. He was also corrupt as shit, liked to spy on Americans, and arguing who is more evil between him and Obama is like arguing the differences between Stalin and Hitler.

We wont be able to compare and contrast the two properly until Obama has been out of office and we start learning more about what has been really happening.

I also am not sure Romney would be any better, I just think that since Obama is now a known quantity he should certainly not be entrusted with 4 more years.


Some things about Obama -

1) Administration worked to keep Bradley Manning in torture-like conditions to force a confession.

2) Federal grants, loans and other cash basically ended up in the pockets of the "whos who" list of Dem donors and associated political families. (Gores, Kennedies among big recievers).

3) Wont cough up the Fast n Furious docs, claiming executive privilege. This program was run at the operational level by career gun control activists and surfaced emails have indicated that the top levels of the Administration were aware of its doings and responsible for the way it went. It was in fact a political maneuver.

4) Bringing numerous Federal cases against whistleblowers.

5) Has an "enemies list" much like Nixon. Uses the power of his office to intimidate, harass.

6) Axed 20k Delphi pensions during auto bailouts because they werent union.

7) Fights transparency even harder than Bush. Thats quite an accomplishment. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/73606.html

8) Midnight signing of NDAA.

Theres 8... I might post up some more later just for the hell of it, but now I should probably do some actual work.

edit: had to add number 8

Last edited by Derid; 08/10/12 08:33 AM.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)