I voted for Gore the first time. I did not agree with Bushes pick for VP, I thought then, as I do now that Cheney is a bad man, I dont call people evil, but if i did, he would be at the top of my list.

I went with Bush for a secound term. I belive he did the right thing in his responce to 9/11. Iraq was mis handled, he should of dumped Rumsfield from the get go.

Now if I was to choose from Obama or Bush for a secound term.... I cant, one was a sitting war president, and the other ran on doing the right thing in Afgan, and then waited and he hawed for 30 days as more soldiers died. So ont he bases of the war, Bush.

Now take it out of the war, and look at bail outs. They both did them, I disagreed with both of them. So niether would get my vote based on that.

Next Bush and the passage of the Patriot Act, that erdoded civil liberties, I would not vote for. Now take Obama and his excuation of Americans with out a trail, I would not vote for.

I do agree that healthcare needed an over haul, what i disagree with is the way it was done, and some of the policys there in.

Honestly, I would not vote for either one of them for a secound term during peace time. During war time, I would vote for Bush a secound term. Obama, from my point of view, is to wishy washy about standing up for America.