Sinij... not really... If you want to stop trying to be constructive feel free though, I thoroughly enjoy responding to open invitations at deconstruction as you well know.

And its not refusing to define a movement... its the objective reality that a general label of "Tea Party" applies in some form or fashion to literally thousands of groups. Its very heterogeneous movement.

The labels you have been trying to attach to the movement though, and the lefties in general have been trying to attach... are akin to me calling every Dem a Marxist. I have known plenty of Dems, and plenty of liberals.. and even been to a few Dem campaign events. Guess what..... plenty of Marxists. Yeap, even at Dem campaign events I have known true Marxists.

There is a Marxist element in some areas of the Dem party. This is objective fact. However, if you try to call the Dem party a Marxist party, most Dems take offense. So, because there are a few pockets of Marxism in the Democrat party... should anyone be able to label them all as Marxists?

If you bother to take some time to truly understand the dynamics in the Dem party.. its actually pretty apparent that the vast majority of Dems arent Marxists. Even though portions of the right wing media likes to make the claim.

Its really pretty simple. Put the shoe on the other foot.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)