Originally Posted By: Mithus
Government(State) should give
security,health care,education for free and it´s not a comunism thing.

When it comes to Government GIVING ANYTHING, it's not free. It's paid by taxes. We have security, we have programs that HELP with healthcare like Medicade and Medicare, States also have similar programs. There is help with Education as well, no it's not free but help is there and if you work hard enough for it, you can actually help yourself with public grants and such.

If you do not have the money to pay your medical problem or of your´s children because your job only allow you to have enough money to pay to have a house and pay your´s childrens food. Should be a obligation of government to supply a Medical system of quality.

If you only make so much money per year, there's healthcare programs that will help, as I mentioned above. Our healthcare system needs to be reformed, but the Government SHOULD NOT by any means, take it over. Government bureaucracy is a large part of the problem with the way healthcare is here. Another one is for Instance, I live in Oklahoma I cannot buy healthcare Insurance in another state even if it's cheaper. So what this does is cut competition, which means Insurance companies can raise the price of Insurance. And without competition offering cheaper Insurance they don't have to worry about lowering their's. This is just a small part of a larger picture. But the main issue is, when you give Government more and more control over things like healthcare in your life, what else are they going to take? Today it's more taxes, Tomorrow it could be your guns, less rights, again MORE taxes. The left already wants all of this. And THAT is socialism... and that's a Government I DO NOT want to live in. If Socialism is such a grand scheme, all of Europe along with other countries around the world would be flourishing. Instead, they are in very deep debt.

Their problem with debt is they spend on the many social programs they have. We have our social programs as well that cost a lot of money. On top of everything else we do, we also send Billions of dollars of AID overseas to other countries. And yes, fighting two wars, along with Government spending out of control we are in great debt. If we had a Government that stayed within their means in spending, and that was more efficient it would ease a lot of our problems. Now if you want to go further, we could keep most of the AID we send overseas. That along with keeping spending under control and a new tax system, we could put a pretty big dent in our debt. So remember, nothing is FREE... it's all paid by taxes.