The thing is, I do not like it when people think of things in terms of "rights" when it comes to receiving commercial services.

I also would term it in terms of the "scope of the problem". You talk about security, well if another nation attacks us and we have to goto war... then that is a true national problem. It requires the entire country to get on board with taxes and/or military service to solve that problem.

But something like health care is a "personal problem".

The important difference is which LEVEL of govt should be addressing the problem. Generally speaking, the larger the program/bureaucracy the less responsive it is and the worse it is run. Using the Military as an example that the Federal govt can run something well only works if you were impose military discipline on the rest of the Washington bureaucrats... which when I think about it, actually invokes some pretty appealing mental imagery. I imagine most Washington bureaucrat types would benefit immensely from getting chewed out by a drill sergeant and made to clean latrines with a toothbrush. But anyhow.

The point is the Founders of the USA knew that big government on a federal level was bad. Some things, like the Post and the Military needed to be addressed by the Feds because they addressed issues only a Federal Govt could properly address.

The rest of governance was supposed to be left to the States. So in terms of what is allowed, this is the level of government where things like Education and Health need to happen. Not that I think even a State govt should have a huge program, or try to run the health care system... but implementing those types of programs locally is much more effective, and much more Constitutional.

Part of the problem, is since the Federal govt can print as much money as it wants... it starts to think that the money supply in unlimited. The problem with this is, there is most certainly a limit as to how far this can be taken... the problem is noone knows exactly how far that is. It will work, until it simply doesnt anymore.... and then we will all be screwed.

So this illusion of unlimited money starts getting people thinking in serious terms that govt can and should do any and everything. But doing that, will just screw us all in the end. In addition to objecting having more of our hard earned money taken, many of us worry that liberals who want to "save the world" with other peoples money are going to literally destroy the economy of this country. We will end up like Greece. Then all of us will be poor and without health care...

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)