Yes Bush did veto the last round of funding, but has funded before which included dead baby cells. Cant say that about any other president. The veto was to prevent a new line of dead baby cells to be used in research.

With stem cell the is not the only country doing work in it. But yet adult stem cells are still the only one makeing results.
But where do you draw the line. It can come down to girls getting pregnate and selling to doctors. But this is another part of the debate on how far should we go. You can say its not killing babys all you want but they are still dead babys.

Anti abortion people are supprised when someone goes to term with a baby they know to have some form of defect. Enough said about that.

Theory -a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact

Sorry had to look that up I am not as smart as most of you. Hell I still think the world is flat. But evolution is still a theory.

The whole teaching religion thing I will not debate. I stated my solution and it works for me. My oldest daughter had the highest score on the yearly state test(forgot what it is called I told you I am stupid) so I really cant complain. They even taught her about dinosours!!!!!!

When you say "It's almost impossible to debate someone who belives in creationism, intelligent design or in the literal interpretation of the Old Testement without offending or upseting them. After all you are in essence going to be trying to disprove everything they belive in."

Flip that to what you belive in. I love how liberals bitch about people not being open minded but bitch even louder when everyone doesnt belive in what they say.
Not saying you are like that but I hear and see it alot.

Why do people have issues with someone beliving God created all life. Does it really effect you if they do.

Try some of what the teachers are teaching kids today that goes above and beyond what the text books have in them.

Global Warming being man made. Thats a theory. But how many kids had to sit through Al "the internet" Gores movie.
Why do so many people belive in it. LIBERAL propaganda(I hate the ultra right just as much as the ultra left). But thats ok????? There is no evidence suporting it but its the new religion.

Fuck I have to stop posting I sound like I am in a log cabin making letter bombs. No wonder rep thinks I am mad.

I will post my manifesto later.