I don't know yet. I haven't been paying too close of attention to policies yet..

I don't think I would mind voting McCain, but after the last eight years, I'd really hate to vote Republican.

I understand that Obama lacks experience, and I hear he's super-liberal... but I'd be willing to overlook that. I also understand that you shouldn't put too much stock in 'personality' and shit, but... I think he's the real deal. Or, atleast more real than anyone else in the game.

I don't like Hillary. I liked Bill, but I don't like Hillary. She comes across as pro-censorship (video games, for example), and that really pisses me off. She's a friend of the family values interest groups, who I think are wrong. (But, for all I know, Obama could feel the same way, or even moreso.)

Right now, I'd vote Obama over McCain and McCain over Clinton. My wish is for Obama to win the Democrat ticket, and then I can be an undecided, and hear out both sides' policies.

As far as third-parties... I'm a hardcore moderate. I think being too strong either side is borderline ignorance. I may lean liberal, but I think I would also have many conservative beliefs. (Basicly, I think I'd be better off a Republican, but their coddling up the religious right disgusts me to no end.)

I've love to vote third-party, but I won't until somebody who stands a chance comes along. But I think you get the wrong idea here. Third-party candidates are unvoteable because they're third-party. They're unvoteable because they're just awful candidates that simply don't stand a chance.

I'd love to see a real, worthwhile, third-party candidate to take the White House. A real baseline moderate who would feel the same way that I bet a good majority in the country feel. I think that would be the best thing for this country.

I think the second best thing for our country would be for Obama to win, and to deliver on his promises of change and hope. I feel the chances of him succeeding at that would be greater than the chances of a moderate President would bring our country together... but it's still a chance.

Hillary would divide us more and is too drastic a change, and McCain might be too much of the same old song.

Former KGB Member