Ok whats your point. An American company is making a profit. I know big oil is an evil empire trying to take over the world.

I dont get why people get made at oil companies making a profit, its what companies do. Do you get mad when other companies make profits. WalMart, General Electric, General Motors, Home Depot, Berkshire Hathaway, HP, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Kroger, AT&T, Target, Dell, UPS. These are some of the top companies in america all making profits.
Sorry but I find it silly when people get mad at so called big oil. If you look up the biggest oil companies in the world you have to go all the way down to 17ish to even find exxon or any american company.

So who should you be mad at, I say a little organization called OPEC. Or lets say the government for the high taxes they put on gas. Or maybe the decline in avalible crude. Or the fact that a new oil refinery has not been built in 30+ years to help with demand, thanks envirofreaks. Dont forget when crude oil was 70-80 gas prices were 3+. Now its over 100 for crude and gas prices are about the same, WTF is that.

Dont get me wrong Big Oil is evil, so is WalMart, Target, Home Depot and well all the Forbes 500. Welcome to American. Get as much as you can while it last then start all over.

For a short term historic wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_price_increases_of_2004-2006

When I got my first car and bought my first tank of gas it was around 80 cent a gallon and the first thought in my head was how the hell am I gonna pay for gas.