As before I don't plan to debate these topics but will comment on a few of your misconceptions or misleading comments.


Stem cell research G.W. Bush is the only president that has ever given money to this. So anti stem cell he is not. Now I am thinking you mean the stem cells that you kill babys to get. But did you know that adult stem cells are where the money is at. With adult stem cells they have made great progress with and the baby killer ones they have not.

Bush Vetoed the stem cell research bill that had been passed by the senate. It's true that currently the only tretments from stem cells come from adult stem cells, however embryonic stem cells are much more versatile and likely in the end to provide more treatments. Both types need continued research and both have the potential to save and improve the lives of many millions of people.

The word baby killer is wholey misleading, embryonic stem cells come from 4-5 day old embryos consisting of less than 150 cells, you can fit multiple of these embryos on the head of a pin and they are not babies. These stem cells come from embryos created for IVF treatments that and I'm sorry to use capitals but it's so important WERE GOING TO BE DESTROYED ANYWAY!!!! or were going to be stored way past their life span which is in essense the same as destroying them. These embryos are far less life than the tiny flys that your car kills everytime you go anywhere and they are much much less life than the cow killed to put the yummy fillet steak on your plate.


Anti abortion. So what. I dont think killing babys is a nice thing to do.

abortion is a much more difficult topic especially as the age in which a featus can survive gets lower, no one wants to kill a featus but many are pro choice and see abortion as a last resort. There are many cases where abortion is the better of two bad options. Of course the best thing to do is to put systems in place to reduce as much as possible the cases of unwanted pregnancy, again in general republicans and more specifically Palin and McCain fall down here with abstinance only policys that simply do not work. Sex eductation and information about controception are much more effective


Creationist and wanting to teach that in science lessons. I send my kids to private school, they teach both not much of a problem there. BTW THEORY OF EVOLUTION. Its a theory because they havent proven it yet.

If you teach creationism in relgion classes and Evolution in science classes there is no problem, there certianly is a problem if you try to teach creationism in science classes and give it equal weight to evolution. People often use the word theory to attack evolution, in science a theory isn't a guess as it often is in everyday speech. Evolution has over 100 years of evidence and testing behind it. Evolution is both a theory and a fact just as the theory of gravity is both a theory and a fact. Exactly how they work are theorys but both gravity and evolution themselves are proven facts.