Originally Posted By: Helemoto

So your saying all beliefs are faith based or stupid?
Because everything you believe in is a arbitrary personal belief.

Maybe everything you believe in is arbitrary, I personally prefer to base my worldview on logic, science and past experiences. I can't claim that all of my believes are substantiated, but if you point out ones that are not I'd be willing to reconsider them.

Key logical part of this argument that you are repeatedly ignoring while you are whipping yourself into religious zeal is that I asked you to _SUBSTANTIATE_ your views on abortion and you repeatedly failed to do so.

The difference between living cells and a embryo is the living cell will not grow up to be a fucking idiot.

So it is potential of human life that you are assigning special significance to?

Well then to stay consistent to your view we also should disallow any use of contraceptive, or even abstinence from sex.

Logical conclusion of "potential of human life is precious" is that we should take every potential and try to turn it into possibility by breeding like rabbits.

Last edited by sinij; 02/11/12 08:48 AM.

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