Originally Posted By: Donkleaps
I still stand that all _arbitrary_ personal believes are ether based on faith or stupidity and are often paraded as morals.

My next question is what qualifies you to make the determination that a persons belief if not based on faith is rendered by stupidity?

So what is the difference between fertilized egg and unfertilized egg and some sperm? Is some magical process happens that adds significance to mixed ingredients? How is this different from "living tissue"?

Flour does not make a cake. Egg does not make a cake. However the magic of mixing flour and egg makes cake mix which even though is mix at the time it's still cake.

Or think of it this way.
A piece of bread once toasted can never go back to being bread therefore its only option is to evolve into a crouton then on to breadcrumbs.

You see even though it went through toast and crouton it ends up as breadcrumbs and it could never be breadcrumbs if it never started out as bread.

That's wisdom.

So your saying all beliefs are faith based or stupid?
Because everything you believe in is a arbitrary personal belief.

When ever you open your mouth to argue or tell someone something its due to a god or your just stupid????

BTW if you don't know the difference between a human fertilized egg and a piece of toast you are a fucking idiot.
Basic biology, when the sperm that ran the fastest and didn't get caught in a blow job, makes it to the egg and wiggles in and starts the process of cellular division, is when life starts. The difference between living cells and a embryo is the living cell will not grow up to be a fucking idiot.

As for personal beliefs, when I say I believe in something it means I myself having lived to this point in my life have taken that which I have learned and came to a decision that this is what I base my personal values on.

It doesn't always have to do with religion.

Look at atheist they have values and personal beliefs that do not involve an god. But a fucking idiot would say "hey you believe in something so you must be a religion crazy fucker"

Everyone has personal beliefs and a value system by which they live, even fucking idiots.