Originally Posted By: sinij
Don't say anything you don't want to be used against you in a debate. This is like starting your argument with "I know I am wrong here, but..."
You'll have to forgive my naivete. I assumed we were all being honest about our views. Now I know the rules, don't give Sinji any chance to change the subject without addressing the issue. Got it.

Originally Posted By: Sinji
Are you one of the extreme Catholics that even argue against use of contraceptive?

Originally Posted By: Sinji
You keep using "child", "life" and "human life".
That's because I want to be clear that this is what's at stake here.

Before we proceed I want you to define it for me.

1. Is unfertilized egg a child, life or human life? Nope

2. Is semen a child, life or human life? Nope

3. Is fertilized egg a person, life or human life? Yep

4. Is frozen fertilized egg outside of human body a person, life or human life? Yep

5. Is first trimester fetus a person, life or human life? Yep

6. Is second trimester fetus a person, life or human life? Yep

7. Is third trimester fetus a person, life or human life? Yep

8. Is any fetus that is not viable without support of a womb a person, life or human life? Yep

9.Is human female a person, life or human life? Yep

10. Is benign tumor a person, life or human life? Living tissue

11. Is gut bacteria a person, life or human life? Life

Your argument about the current state of federal funding for abortions may be correct (although I think we all know planned parenthood and other organizations are using/have used federal dollars for abortions), but the current argument is about what will happen under Obamacare, where, not only will federal dollars pay for abortions, but institutions that do not currently provide that service and are morally opposed to it will be required to.

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