Originally Posted By: Donkleaps
Originally Posted By: Sinij
I still stand that all _arbitrary_ personal believes are ether based on faith or stupidity and are often paraded as morals.

My next question is what qualifies you to make the determination that a persons belief if not based on faith is rendered by stupidity?

I generally don't differentiate between faith and stupidity when it comes to logical arguments. As to what qualifies me to make the determination? Logical process of elimination of alternatives.

So what is the difference between fertilized egg and unfertilized egg and some sperm? Is some magical process happens that adds significance to mixed ingredients? How is this different from "living tissue"?

Flour does not make a cake. Egg does not make a cake. However the magic of mixing flour and egg makes cake mix which even though is mix at the time it's still cake.

There is nothing magical in the process of making a cake. As to you stance on "cake mix = cake" - I know what you are going to get in the mail for your birthday.


Unlike you, I personally prefer my cake cooked.

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