Originally Posted By: sinij
What part of "I would like to make it impossible to operate an abortion clinic. -Kaotic" did I misunderstood?
The part right after that where I stated that this is not the issue at hand. I only included the first sentence in the interest of full disclosure.

Originally Posted By: Sinji
No, what you are talking about, but too uninformed to know the difference, is when sentience of the human fetus begins. This is meaningful discussion, but it isn't one that favors your side. My suggestion - stick to faith arguments, at least you can't be critiqued for being ignorant that way.
Your argument is invalid because we only place value on human life (unless you're a PETA whack-a-doodle). Sentience only comes into play when the folks on your side are trying to make their arguments for killing children all the way up to 2 years after birth.

If a woman could get pregnant all on her own I might be inclined to agree with the "its a woman's body" argument. The fact that it takes two people to create life, and that the child growing in her womb is 1/2 her and 1/2 the man nullifies that argument for me.

Thank you again for accusing me of being too dim witted to hold up my own side of a debate with you, the enlightened elite. I thought it was always "us" who were being irrational and calling names, yet I keep seeing you do it.

Again, let me congratulate you for trying to misdirect readers into believing that my views have anything to do with religion. I don't think you can find anything on here were I commented on my personal belief system, as far as the giant space octopus is concerned.

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