I do not think I have ever heard the phrase " Because the Bible said so " or anything similar. I have heard " because the Constitution said so" , I consider the two very dissimilar.

In regards to marriage, he thinks govt should be out of marriage, and individuals should all have equal rights. In regards to abortion, he does not think federal tax dollars should fund them, or that the federal govt should regulate it - it should be a state matter, though he is personally opposed.

In regards to the military, he is actually for a robust national defense, he simply acknowledges that we are spending way too much money on overseas interventionism and wants to stop that, and close most of the overseas bases and bring the troops home.

He has also said he is not for cutting govt programs that people depend on. He does think that it was a bad idea to start many of the federal programs in the first place, but recognizes that simply chopping domestic programs suddenly is a bad idea. He does say that if we wish to continue being able to afford them without becoming Greece, that we need to stop the overseas intervention.

By cutting spending, and reforming monetary policy he thinks that economic growth will render moot many of the govt programs because the economy will improve and dependence on govt will lessen, and that once things are good - that then we can start looking at ways to reform federal entitlements.

His real positions are quite a bit less drastic than some make them out to be.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)