Originally Posted By: Helemoto
Originally Posted By: sinij
BTW being against abortion doesn't mean you are part of a religion. You can believe that when a woman is knocked up there is a baby in her belly and killing it is murder.

You said "you can believe", and you are very entitled to your flying spaghetti monster faith and I am not going to question it unless you start trying to force it on others. Until you can say medical community agrees the best outcome for the patient is, or overwhelming scientific consensus is, or greater societal benefit arises from is, it will still a faith-based belief.

As to "baby in the belly" is part of your belief, again not supported by anything other than your faith.

I say this while laughing out loud "your a fucking idiot"

You sure convinced me. Now tell me I am going to hell for pointing out your bible-thumping ways.

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