Originally Posted By: Kaotic
Originally Posted By: sinij
What part of "I would like to make it impossible to operate an abortion clinic. -Kaotic" did I misunderstood?
The part right after that where I stated that this is not the issue at hand. I only included the first sentence in the interest of full disclosure.

Don't say anything you don't want to be used against you in a debate. This is like starting your argument with "I know I am wrong here, but..."

Your argument is invalid because we only place value on human life.

Define human life then. Fetus is _potential_ human life. You know what else is potential human life? Are you one of the extreme Catholics that even argue against use of contraceptive?

If a woman could get pregnant all on her own I might be inclined to agree with the "its a woman's body" argument. The fact that it takes two people to create life, and that the child growing in her womb is 1/2 her and 1/2 the man nullifies that argument for me.

You keep using "child", "life" and "human life".

Before we proceed I want you to define it for me.

1. Is unfertilized egg a child, life or human life?

2. Is semen a child, life or human life?

3. Is fertilized egg a person, life or human life?

4. Is frozen fertilized egg outside of human body a person, life or human life?

5. Is first trimester fetus a person, life or human life?

6. Is second trimester fetus a person, life or human life?

7. Is third trimester fetus a person, life or human life?

8. Is any fetus that is not viable without support of a womb a person, life or human life?

9.Is human female a person, life or human life?

10. Is benign tumor a person, life or human life?

11. Is gut bacteria a person, life or human life?

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