Originally Posted By: Derid

And hey, a small rocket flies straight up right? So why are all these large rockets crashing?

Again, you are pushing "US is too different to compare to anything else" point. It isn't. Sure, US is big, but not to the point that we can't compare when we have so many examples. You know why US is about the only First World country that doesn't have socialized medicine? Because rest of the countries seen the writing on the wall and decided they can't afford to throw money away on inefficient systems.

Most socialist systems in the world fail miserably and provide nothing close to the value

This is demonstrably false. I provided WHO statistics showing exactly opposite, but since you tend to dismiss them, please prove that "most socialist [health care] systems fail". Pick any 2 fist world socialized medicine countries and find any 3 meaningful population metrics where they do worse than US.

If you come down with a serious illness, and need advanced treatment and/or complicated surgery.... most people wouldnt volunteer to have it done in Greece or Venezuela.

This is interesting point, because if you are in position to chose a country to have a treatment, you are in a "well off" segment that US healthcare services well.

There is no denying that if you had a cancer and 1 mil to burn on treating it, your best bet is US. For most people who don't have a mil to burn they are better off in Greece or Venezuela. Why? Because "don't have a million" treatment in US sucks, and Venezuela and Greece does not.

This tells us nothing about overall level of healthcare, only that the very best and the most expensive hospitals happen to be located in the US. Unfortunately they are such a minority of all healthcare providers that their contribution gets drowned in the sea of not-so-great.

Last edited by sinij; 10/07/12 07:56 AM.

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