Originally Posted By: sinij

How one can someone from the same culture can call white black is beyond me. I realize morals are relative, but to me you are highly amoral person.

This is even more laughable coming from someone such as yourself who believes that ends justify the means.

Originally Posted By: sinij

Society doesn't exist on its own, it has to be maintained with pooled resources. If this makes it slavery, then I am glad to be a slave.

Society has existed for a long time before some people started deciding that health care was a natural right.

Originally Posted By: sinij
Democracy doesn't exist in a vacuum, you have to protect it and make sure that your fellow members of society are not too hungry, too sick or out on the streets to meaningfully participate in it. If this makes it slavery, then I am glad to be a slave.

First of all, we live in a Republic not a democracy. Democracy itself is not inherently just, its actually two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

Rules need to be established, reflecting principles that defend an individual's rights for a society to be just. Because society is comprised of individuals, so if individuals do not have rights.. noone has rights. Individual rights > mob rule.

People actively have partaken in society, and in politics for long before health care started being called a "right". So on the face of it, your implied assertion that health care needs to be a "right" for participatory society to function has no relevance in the face of centuries of historical fact contradicting you.

Originally Posted By: sinij
Opportunity to excel and to succeed is impossible without standing on shoulders of others, you succeed because others around you created an environment that enabled you to succeed. If contributing to environment that enables success is slavery, than I am glad to be a slave.

Fantastic and amazing societies have been built without health care being a "right". So, a non-sequitur here as well. Plus you seem to, as a concept, confuse society with government. The two are not the same. Society may have a responsibility morally to care for the unfortunate, and this responsibility may reflect on individuals who have a moral responsibility to help - but this is different than govt violence having moral authority to ensure such a thing.

Originally Posted By: sinij
If you have such disdain for this slavery, then I invite you to immigrate to Somalia where you could be from all of the above.

Using this analogy improperly once again, apparently you do not learn from prior mistakes, or else you live in some sort of intellectual bubble.

You seem to think that the necessary level of collectivism required for the common good can be extended and expanded to encompass whatever arbitrary concept your whim deems necessary. Those who disagree with your arbitrary expansions are fit to be ridiculed as either insane, or amoral.

What a twisted worldview.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)