Originally Posted By: sinij
I Am a Job Creator': This Is the Country I Want

First, we must preserve the equality of opportunity that makes it possible for any American to dream of success or, at least, to look forward to a better future. We must invest in our educational system, from pre-school programs that help bridge the gap between rich and poor to public universities that train the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. We must fight discrimination in all its forms so that our society can benefit from the talents of all its members. We must ensure equal access to justice for all people, not just those who can afford good lawyers.

Second, we must recognize that not everyone will be financially successful and we must maintain a real safety net for people who need help. A society where the lucky few reap prodigious financial rewards is one where many will fall short of their dreams through no fault of their own. We must insure all people against disability, against sickness, against hunger, and against homelessness.

The best way to create opportunity is to create jobs. It's no secret the more jobs that are out there, the better opportunity you will have to get one. The last four years the opportunity wasn't there as it has been in the past. It could have been it if weren't for this Administration giving money to South America to drill offshore oil, while ours have remained the same, when more offshore drilling could have came online. Not to mention the big job loss when the Administration decided to not fully back the XL pipeline. Instead money was given to several failed companies in Green Technology that went bankrupt. Again more job losses from those failed ventures.

Want a better education system? Then get rid of the federal education department and let individual states decide what's best for their local population. Instead of a bunch of hot shot Government officials that THINK they know what's best for everyone, when they don't know anything about what's going on at local levels. This is a HUGE flaw, If it weren't a flaw then we wouldn't be placing on the bottom of performance education scores compared to other countries that pay far less money. Also the teachers unions are a big problem as well. Sure teachers should get good pay for what they do, but we also need to remember most barely work 10 months out of the year. The teachers and the students would be far better off if there weren't a teachers union.

We have social nets for people that need them. They are there to HELP, not as a career choice. As far as going after your dreams, are you trying to say you can't go after your dream because someone else went after theirs and made a lot of money? Are you a quitter when things get tough? Seems like you believe when things get tough someone should come bail you out.

You can do whatever you want, if you don't go after your dream that's your problem. It's not because someone else succeeded and you didn't, that's called being a fucking cry baby. People that have went after their dreams and made a lot of money deserve it. If going after your dreams were easy EVERYONE would be rich. But we don't live in fantasy land, we (or most of us) live in the real world.

I would love to hear about any country in history that has wiped out hunger,disability,sickness & homelessness. Please indulge!

Last edited by Wolfgang; 10/03/12 01:53 PM.