Originally Posted By: Derid

The concept that people have a 'right' to healthcare, is just slavery. Its forced labor and immoral. Using violence of govt to force others to provide them with free services simply because its how you would like the world to operate makes you no better than any other slave master.

How one can someone from the same culture can call white black is beyond me. I realize morals are relative, but to me you are highly amoral person.

Society doesn't exist on its own, it has to be maintained with pooled resources. If this makes it slavery, then I am glad to be a slave.

Democracy doesn't exist in a vacuum, you have to protect it and make sure that your fellow members of society are not too hungry, too sick or out on the streets to meaningfully participate in it. If this makes it slavery, then I am glad to be a slave.

Opportunity to excel and to succeed is impossible without standing on shoulders of others, you succeed because others around you created an environment that enabled you to succeed. If contributing to environment that enables success is slavery, than I am glad to be a slave.

If you have such disdain for this slavery, then I invite you to immigrate to Somalia where you could be from all of the above.

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