"Want a better education system? Then get rid of the federal education department and let individual states decide what's best for their local population."

Eh. . . no thanks on that one.

Left to its own devices, the Texas education system would become a very scary place indeed. Jesus would have single handedly smote the Indians while driving a Ford truck and drinking a beer.

Texas is a hard core bible-thumping state and the Texas Education Agency is pushing hard for creationism in school. If we go that route, I would ask the rest of the country to wall off this State and let none escape without testing them first :D

"Have you seen Texas uninsured figures? Something like mid -20%."

I would be curious if those figures included our MASSIVE undocumented population. If so, they're skewed somewhat. For an eye opener, go to the emergency room on a Weekend.

These are your undocumented folks who have crossed over the border looking for work. While they DO perform the work that most Americans will not do ( not enough pay ) the very same reason Americans don't do it is why they're in the emergency room to begin with.

The work they are performing does not pay well enough for them to afford any sort of health care to begin with. It's really that simple.

Some health plan monthly premiums I've seen EXCEED the entire paycheck of minimum wage earners. That's how out of whack it is.
Is it so shocking to wonder why they don't have insurance ?


No education or skills equates to minimum wage jobs for most. Minimum wage equates to piss poor quality of life. Health insurance for these folks is a luxury they cannot possibly afford.

If the minimum wage wasn't the poverty line, and was actually semi-decent, then perhaps they MIGHT have some health care of their own.

Bottom line is, if you don't pay folks a decent wage to live upon, then don't act surprised if they cut corners where they have to.