Originally Posted By: Daye
generally intelligent stuff

An honest question I have, is if education was decentralized... would Texas really end up as a "creationist state".. or are the bulk of the sensible residents just enjoying being lazy, by not participating in civil society using the excuse that "The FedGov will take care of it"?

I would expect that if the FedGov stopped acting as a crutch against a popularly reported idiocy, that the locals might finally start to realize the benefits of actually becoming involved. Its easy to stay uninvolved when it "doesnt directly affect you" and some amorphous , larger body is supposedly managing things.

Or in other words, the only way to motivate many good people to take action.. is to actually place the responsibility for their own well being on their own shoulders... and stop letting them pretend that someone else is or should be taking care of it for them.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)