Haha, yeah you are correct - I am talking to an empty chair. You summed up trying to discuss things with you quite succinctly.

I need to go get lunch, but I will happily dissect the monstrosity of non sequiturs you just puked up once I grab my food. I mean seriously, you try to make a correlation between the principle of rule of law over mob rule equating "denying others the right to live healthily" ? It would be laughable if you didnt take yourself so seriously.

My advice to you though in the mean time: before daring to insult others, actually get the slightest clue about whether, how, and when things actually logically connect.

Also, you do make one good point - health care used to be available and not bankrupt people. You might want to ask yourself what changed. In theory at that point, you would investigate.. and you would find that govt involvement in health care changed , and is the root cause of said problem.

I fully expect you to intentionally keep yourself ignorant though, and continue advocating importing more bears to deal with the lion problem.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)