I never argued for an ideal society, unlike leftists I realize that society will never be anywhere close to perfect. Building a "robust" society to withstand the forces of corruption etc via larger and complex mechanisms is impossible. Entropy works on a social level, not just in thermodynamics.


Your view of society is flawed. Societies must work together in some regards *for a universal good. In other words, if it doesnt benefit everyone equally - at least in principle, it does not apply as a required contribution. Police, in principle, benefit everyone by protecting everyone equally from internal violence.

A military, in priciple, benefits equally by protecting everyone from external violence.

Perhaps you are seeing a trend. A just Govt exists to *protect everyone from violence, equally.

What you propose on the other hand, *inflicts violence for the purported good of a select few. There is a massive moral canyon between justice and a leftists arbitrary opinion on how social control should be handed off to the feds.


I addressed your point #2, and even pre-empted the point you tried to make with your "rebuttal". Reading glasses more. I specifically predicted you would bring up the emergency room example... and you ignored the fact that I did so... and brought up the emergency room example..... mmmmmmmkay.


As for you demonstrated how "cheap" and effective universal care is... you and I both know you did no such thing.

You *asserted such... but missed and ignored anything you didnt want to hear. Since you had no effective rebuttals, your arguments were unconvincing. You really did not seem to understand why the GDP ratios were different, either lower in some cases or higher for us. Nor did you demonstrate an understanding of many issues plaguing our own system.

Your idea that universal care could be implemented here while maintaining any quality of care was pie in the sky wishful thinking.

Since nothing can penetrate your intellectual bubble (see repeated misused Somalia references for hard proof) I can see how you might see it differently.... but as has been aptly demonstrated , your opinion and objective reality have very little in common.


Maximizing profits typically involves finding ways to get more buyers. Obviously services would be tiered. In fact there have been multiple good attempts to get more affordable care via free market in the USA to date... however the govt keeps stepping in due to lobbying influence and killing it. Obamacare included.

Also, health care market demand is not *unlimited*.... and if it WAS unlimited... that is the worst indictment you could possibly make to have a central planning committee decide how it was allocated. Because you are introducing even greater inefficiencies in the face of an already unmeetable demand.. which is insanity.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)