Originally Posted By: sinij
Originally Posted By: Wolfgang
I didn't have healthcare when I had to have Emergency surgery. I made far less money than I do now, I guess I was one of the lucky ones without healthcare that got treated despite not having healthcare. My lucky number must have been called that day huh...

You actually benefited from a number of factors - a) mandate that people are not turned away from emergency rooms (speaking of ineffective government regulation!) b) partially tax payers, sometimes charitable funds that absorb portion of uninsured bills.

Even with all of this you were probably paying the medical bills for decades after that, or declared bankruptcy.

Big question, would you rather have someone else go through similar experiences or pay extra taxes? All this talk about personal responsibility is nice, but with 9% stated and more like 15% real un- and under-employment it kind of sounds hollow.

Absolute "richest" is meaningless - wealth is a ratio of money in/money out, someone living in a bush in Africa with an access to shaman doctor is richer than unemployed, uninsured person living in the projects in the US.

You're trying to say a shaman doctor is better than someone that is uninsured. I just told you I was uninsured and still received the healthcare I needed despite having healthcare!

I did pay off MY medical bill. I could have went through medicaid to receive help. I took the responsibility of paying 95% of my bill. I did have a couple thousand knocked off from a fund the hospital has setup from donations that help with these sort of things. It was based on my yearly pay, So If I hardly made any money I would have had a bigger portion paid for if not all of it. Since I am making a lot more money now, I have given money back to that fund.

The question isn't should we pay more taxes in order to get Government involved in our healthcare. The question SHOULD BE, how do we reform healthcare without Government being so heavily involved and leaving it up to the people and states to decide the best course of action in healthcare. Since Obama used most of Romney's Ideas from Massachusetts healthcare then he should know it works better at the state level and wasn't intended for a Federal level.

I'm just curious, do you have to have someone always holding your hand?
You sure seem to love the Idea of Government doing it!

Last edited by Wolfgang; 10/04/12 02:22 PM.