Originally Posted By: sinij
Originally Posted By: Helemoto

I bet they would take even a shaman, if one was available.

So your idea of right is to force people to pay thousands of dollars to pay for something they may not even want

Not want? How is that exactly works? So you are bleeding on the street, and decide, hey I would rather bleed to death, no thank you. Well, if one that suicidal, it is probably advisable to see a psychiatrist, and one would need coverage for that.

People don't want to get sick, people don't want to get bankrupted by emergency hospital visits, people don't want to die of preventable diseases.

Lets call spade a spade, people DON'T WANT TO PAY for access to health care system. They want it for free.

Speaking of freeloaders...

Yes some people don't want to pay for healthcare, I didn't want to pay for health care when I was in my 20's so I didn't.

Its really sad that you don't see a problem with the feds forcing people to pay for something or get fined for it.