Originally Posted By: sinij
Originally Posted By: Helemoto

Yes some people don't want to pay for healthcare.

PAY is key word.

I have no problems with people not wanting to CONSUME health care, like Amish, but people not wanting to PAY?

We ALL pay for it when these people get sick and clog emergency rooms. Some have conscience and eventually pay it back, but most are freeloaders and don't.

You'd think this would resonate with conservatives, but no, they go "you will pry my right to freeload the system out of my cold dead hands!" on this one.

I guess conservatives have bigger hearts then you because they are willing to let the poor have free healthcare.

When you force someone that is poor to pay thousands of dollars for healthcare, and if they don't you fine them, you are making them poorer(is this a word it looks funny to me).
So now you are the guy making people eat sawdust soup, grats now they have free healthcare. Good job on not replying to this when I have brought it up several times, you would make a great democrat politician.