Originally Posted By: Derid

Sinij, those socialist countries you mention function in that way because they basically act as a corporation that buys health care from USA private corporations. It goes back to the export thing. If they had to do all the R & D, and cover all the structural costs there is no way that ratio would hold water.

Why are we going in circles? How many times and in how many threads do I need to address these talking points?

R&D is done everywhere, sure US does more of it in absolute numbers, but this is because US economy is larger. Plus, unless this is academia-based research (and it won't be part of health care expenses, instead it would be under education) results and fruits of this research are not just given away, they are SOLD FOR A PROFIT to these countries.

Your "R&D" argument is not logical, unless you are suggesting US does disproportionally more failed R&D (or one that only applicable to USA) than any other country and this failed research adds to health care costs.

The core problem with your arguments sinij, if you only use the data that fits your scenario and ignore things that do not.

The core problem with your arguments is that you base them on your brand of conservatism that at its core has a faith-based worldview. Any facts or data I present are outright dismissed as "selective", yet anything supporting your point of view is seen as a paragon of integrity. I have yet to see such extreme selective reading outside of political debates.

Stop cherry-picking your stats in a manner that amounts to outright twisting of the truth, and examine the entire reality, and you will not be able to defend their policies.

So what you believe is "the truth" and "entire reality" but what I say is "twisting of the truth". How can we have a factual argument when you show such open bias?

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