Actually I have gone long periods of time without health insurance, simply because I did not think it was cost effective to have. I spent most of the rest of the past 10 years where I did have insurance, with the barest hospitalization. At one point in time I had a minimal plan with a local medical center, was fairly inexpensive but could go into the clinic/center.

Even when I had the two together, it was far less expensive than having typical insurance - and covered both routine visits and anything catastrophic. But the leftist plans eliminate that type of flexibility, all of them.

You do NOT speak for everyone. You do not even speak for the majority.

Because I certainly had the means to purchase.

Plus you are still on the "insurance" bit. Its still a fact that people arent left to die. Its also a fact that poor people already can get free govt medical care. Its also a fact that there are many programs and charities and income-scaled programs direct through doctors and providers.

Its also a fact that the leftist plans would suck the money and life out of everyone, for the additional benefit of a very few. Worse availability, worse service, higher costs... for EVERYONE.

Stop seeing the pie-in-the-sky daydream, and start looking at the facts.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)