I'm saying that 16% INCLUDES the cost of research and development and that for there to be accurate comparison to the socialized medical communities those moneys should be removed from that figure.

Originally Posted By: Mithus
Please do not came with that history for child, I recomend you to read "Das Kapital" by Karl Marx, take a read full without any prejudice. It will no be a like history to a child about their grade take way by other people.
What is wrong with this analogy? Please explain to me why this is childish. It is a nearly perfect analogy for capitalism vs. communism.

Yes, in high school I had Political Science, Sociology, American History, and World History. I also had Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus. Since then I've had three more history classes, a psychology class and two economics classes in college (never mind the chemistry, biology, physics and other courses). None of that includes the dozens of books I've read on these subjects and online research I do on a regular basis to stay informed. How is any of this pertinent to the debate? If you're trying to suggest that my viewpoints are molded by lack of education I'm afraid that dog won't hunt.

I would gladly read Das Kaptital, unfortunately its not free and I feel that it would be contributing to the evil capitalist machine if I purchase it. Perhaps if there is a copy at the library I'll check it out.

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