Originally Posted By: Derid

Maybe, but to a much lesser degree than the leftists because the left is ignoring some basic self evident points.

1) The bigger the govt, the harder it is to keep an eye on what that govt does. One of the biggest problems with a huge federal govt is accountability.

2) Like any system, the more "moving parts" and the greater the complexity - the more entropy.

3) One size does not fit all. The more totalitarian you become, the more individuals get squeezed out. Society is made up of individuals, if you focus on individual rights then everyone's rights are protected. If you start thinking in a group-based mentality, many individuals get the shaft.

4) Socialism has not worked well anywhere. A few societies that have an abundance of natural resources have been able to fund socialist seeming programs to some extent, but every society that depends on a real internal economy and embraces it ends up devolving.

5) Just because what we have now is not perfect, does not mean that any other available change would necessarily be for the better.

Agree with 5, disagree with 4 but acknowledge our past natural resources argument, 3 is not an argument, 2 is unavoidable, stick is simplest weapon yet we fly jets, agree with #1.

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