No, current western lifestyle is a result of capitalism. The couple instances of widespread socialism that occurs without demonstrable immediate problems is a result of large energy exports.

There is a big difference.

The world has many economies that are exist in varying states of capitalism, socialism, with varying degrees of corruption and cronyism etc. Different sources of various resources from energy to labor.

Understanding which are which, and who is doing and supplying what is critical if you want to tie together a case for any system of socioeconomic management.

Its also important to separate the accidental from the systemic.

One other thing to keep in mind is the level of interventionism, and the byproducts of such intervention (by govt into the economy). If you are not looking at the consequences of interventionism by several degrees of removal, you are not getting an accurate picture of the consequences.

The problem is that Socialist lines of thinking are fundamentally incapable of providing for a self sustaining economic growth. Which is why you cannot and will never see a self sustaining model. So, Socialist advocates fall back on the emotional aspects of how "good" it sounds or ad hominem attacks on those who challenge their faith.

If someone was capable of breaking this pattern and putting forth a model that actually worked, and allowed liberty to flourish I would be all for it. I am not exactly the "1%", if there was a way to actually provide for greater economic growth and happiness I would be all for it. Sadly, there is not - or at the very least noone has outlined how such a system would work.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)