Ok, I asked that question for a reason. Did you read Vuldan's post about socializing grades? If not you should, and then honestly tell me how hard you would work for your grades if no matter what you did you would get the same reward as the rest of the class.

Now, I assume you've realized that you would not study hard at all and would in fact feel cheated because you're paying to get an education and want to be rewarded for your hard work.

How then is that in any way different for folks who work hard everyday to find break through cures for myriad diseases and then get paid for it? If there is no reward on the back end, why would they work hard to find the cures?

Let's assume that ALL of the researchers who are finding cures are 100% altruistic and are only doing it because they want to help people (there are probably quite a few that are that way). Now, while they may be smart and capable they can't just wish equipment and facilities for research into being. Some one has to pay that bill. Should that person, who pays out millions of dollars to finance research not be compensated for their investment? What about the fact that nearly ALL of the medical investors in the country completely lose their shirts on most of the research that never pans out, or takes decades to bear fruit? If they don't make some money on the few things that do work, they won't have any to keep investing in things like HIV or cancer, that still don't have cures after decades of research.

To answer your question about the word "enjoy." From Webster's Dictionary enjoy: to have for one's use, benefit, or lot
It doesn't necessarily mean to like or take pleasure in, but no definition of it indicates something enjoyed would be free.

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