Lots of flaws in that article, not the least of which is it doesnt include farmer markets - just 3 supermarkets. Also, it gives no guidelines on how they chose to achieve the "higher nutrients" listed - potassium, vitamin D and dietary fiber.

In fact anyone can debunk this article by going to their local supermarket. I know, because I do all my own shopping and am quite informed on nutrition and cost. Also, I have to avoid a couple common things found in processed foods like excessive MSG - so I always read labels and nutritional info.

Additionally, you mentioned fast food - but even your article mentioned that fast food is in fact more expensive.

Finally, its obvious that cheap calories mean that people can get more calories for less money. The fact that people eat to much says something about the choices these people make. Its the silliest thing ever to say that people are fat because they are poor. They are fat because they eat too much. 1000 calories is 1000 calories, period.

I would say the more likely correlation between healthy eating and money is tied to education and imperative. It has nothing to do with the fact that there is less money to spend.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)