Originally Posted By: sinij

I re-stated my "The Graph" opinion in other thread, I simply don't see how I can simplify it more than this. If this isn't clear, I don't think we have enough agreed-on concepts to facilitate any kind of communication.

You have never articulated any logic making a case that simply taxing the wealthy somehow creates more wealth, or more wealthy people.

You are making an underpants gnome argument.

You were actually on to something for a minute when you were talking about the divisions of labor and change creating opportunities to accumulate wealth. But somehow managed to abandon that budding line of thought and retreat to a punitive "if you have money, you must be punished" line.. while simultaneously arguing that doing so, will somehow help the rest of us.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)