Its not another break, its the status quo.

The fact that the effect of taxing them would be minor in the grand scheme of things, but you and your comrades are stuck on the issue with laser-like focus proves my point. Its an ideological point and an emotional point, but not a very practical one.

You are even calling it "another" tax break. I am all for closing loopholes, but without taking advantage of loopholes those who are "rich" pay higher rates.

People who make like 60k-200k really get hammered because they arent the "1%" but pay a huge share of the taxes. Every single time, when you give up the principle and agree to tax the "rich" its not the 1% who ends up getting it in the end. Its the middle class.

Everyone knows that the marxists "1%" really isnt about the super wealthy. Its about anyone who has more than they do.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)