Originally Posted By: Derid

Its not another break, its the status quo.

Not quite. We are at historic lows and not for significant portion of modern history.

The fact that the effect of taxing them would be minor in the grand scheme of things

If you see deficit reduction as "minor in the grand scheme of things" why are we even having this discussion?

Everyone knows that the marxists "1%" really isnt about the super wealthy. Its about anyone who has more than they do.

"Got mine" and "Greed is good" back at you.

Republicans, specifically trickle-down reaganomics sold these low taxes as a way to stimulate job creation. They proposed that we temporarily borrow money while keeping taxes lower to stimulate economy and job creation. Well, borrowed money party started and yet to finish, but where are the jobs?

I know where - China, India, Brazil.

U.S.-based multinational corporations added 1.5 million workers to their payrolls in Asia and the Pacific region during the 2000s, and 477,500 workers in Latin America, while cutting payrolls at home by 864,000, the Commerce Department reported, quantifying a much-noted trend.

So now that reaganomics were disproved beyond any point of doubt, maybe it is time to a) raise taxes b) stop borrowing and c) balance the budget?

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